Practice Profile
Melissa is a sought after planning silk, whose busy practice consists of helping clients to navigate the complexities of the planning system in this country. Her areas of specialism are deliberately broad, encompassing the full range of planning / real estate litigation work: planning appeals, major infrastructure projects, compulsory purchase and compensation, regulatory crime, together with related property, contract and public law.
Prior to being appointed King’s Counsel, Melissa was consistently recognised as a “leading junior” at the Planning and Environmental Bar by both Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500, as well as top rated in the annual Planning Magazine survey. Melissa was named a “Woman of Influence” in The Planner’s 2022 list.
Having been recognised as a top-rated leading junior at the Planning Bar in recent years, Melissa became a K.C. in 2022. She is much in demand for her combination of empathetic leadership, tactical acumen and thoroughgoing knowledge of her specialism: “a brilliant advocate”, “excellent with clients”.
Melissa has a longstanding interest in heritage planning, with considerable experience of London-based heritage work. Her major clients include The National Trust and the Mayor of London / Greater London Authority, but she is also happy to advise and represent much smaller organisations in relation to heritage matters. She has a particular affinity for and expertise in litigation concerning listed buildings and registered parks and gardens.
Major Infrastructure Projects
Melissa has knowledge and experience of major infrastructure projects from the perspective of both promoter and objector, giving her excellent insight into the key strategic, tactical and technical issues which often arise. Recent examples include:
- Advice to EDF on Sizewell C.
- Heathrow Airport - (Cranford) appeal.
- Manston Airport - section 78 appeal inquiry on behalf of the promoters of the airport.
- HS2 - Melissa acted for Hillingdon with Craig Howell Williams Q.C. in its test case judicial review in relation to Schedule 17 of the new HS2 Act: Hillingdon’s challenge succeeded in the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court refused permission to appeal.
- HS2 petitioning & HS2 accommodation works instructions. Melissa advised local authorities along the route & presented in Parliament.
Housing and Mixed Use Developments
- Westferry Printworks. Politically explosive planning case, infamous for its national political implications. A large scale appeal notwithstanding the politics: a 1,500 unit London redevelopment scheme heard in a major public inquiry, which considered the impact of the proposal on the iconic Tower Bridge, as well as complex viability evidence. Paul Brown QC for the applicant. Melissa represented the Mayor of London /Greater London Authority. Melissa’s team focused on viability and heritage. Inspector agreed with objections & recommended refusal. The Secretary of State disagreed. The challenge to the Minister’s decision led to a quashing by consent. The re-determination led to the dismissal of the appeal, in line with the Mayor’s position.
- Bramshill. One of the most significant listed buildings in the country. A major public inquiry which dealt with the proposed redevelopment of the Jacobean Grade I listed building & grounds. Melissa represented The National Trust throughout. Its objection to the redevelopment succeeded, as did its defence of the decision in High Court (with the Department and Historic England). The Court of Appeal upheld the High Court's decision, in a judgment which provides important guidance in respect of national heritage policy.
- VIP Industrial Estate/VIP Trading. Large scale London mixed use (771 unit housing, plus employment): inquiry. Melissa appeared for Royal Borough of Greenwich, with a junior (Caroline Daly), objecting to the proposals. Appeal dismissed in accordance with the Council's objections.
- Promoting and resisting major residential and mixed use developments. Melissa has promoted the Aylesbury Estate redevelopment scheme for Southwark Council (see the Compulsory Purchase experience section for further details). A long-term scheme which required particular sensitivity, grit and teamwork. As part of large multi-disciplinary teams, Melissa has also been instructed in relation to a new neighbourhood for Crawley; and 1,900 dwellings or “streetscapes for filming” in the Green Belt, in a very glamorous planning application promoted by Pinewood Studios, the home of the James Bond films.
- Numerous instructions in relation to housing in the countryside (in Wales and in England), involving consideration of the adequacy of the 5 year housing land supply; affordable housing and viability; heritage issues; and impact on the landscape.
- Experience of appeals concerning housing for the elderly, including residential care homes.
- Significant experience of resisting development including housing in the Green Belt (on behalf of local authorities and third parties).
- Strategic advice dealing with the promotion of sites for housing through the local plan process, including substantial experience of dealing with Green Belt / AONB matters.
Employment / Mixed Use / Retail
Various inquiries concerning the retention of employment land where higher value uses are proposed. For example, the development of a hotel on employment land in Norwich; the development of a Circle promoted private hospital in Test Valley; and logistics development on sites allocated for other employment purposes.
Part of a team promoting significant mixed use development in Polegate, East Sussex.
Strategic advice to Norwich City Council as landowner in relation to the promotion of a major mixed use development in its area.
Repeat instructions from Sainsbury's - including a rights of way inquiry to facilitate a store expansion on the Isle of Wight.
Regulatory: Planning and Crime
- Unusually for a busy planning specialist, Melissa accepts Crown Court and criminal appellate instructions. Her practice includes a substantial component of regulatory criminal work (including Proceeds of Crime Act matters): she has both prosecuted and defended in the criminal courts, in relation to listed building and planning enforcement prosecutions. She has also appeared in the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) twice recently. Most notably, she successfully defended the decision of a Crown Court judge to stay a prosecution brought by a London Borough. Experience of the sharp end of the planning process is invaluable when it comes to providing robust advice when required.
- Melissa has undertaken numerous inquiries concerning the impact of development on listed buildings and the character and appearance of conservation areas.
Melissa has a particular interest in the interrelationship of domestic and EU law, particularly post-Brexit. Given that interest, she has regularly conducted seminars addressing sustainability and environmental assessment, including the practical implications of Brexit, to private and public sector audiences
Melissa advises developers and local authorities in relation to the adequacy of assessments at both a strategic and site level.
Local Plans
Advice and representation in relation to local plans
Melissa has appeared at numerous local plan examinations, for the most part as one of a team promoting the plan, but she has also appeared for objectors, including at the London Plan examination. Most recently, Melissa helped Westminster City Council with its City Plan examination, providing a blend of advice and representation.
Planning Enforcement
Melissa is well versed in planning enforcement matters. She has frequently appeared at public inquiries in relation to s.174 appeals, concerning a wide range of development, from Gypsy sites, to stables for polo ponies, to residential development in a national park. She has had considerable success in dealing with enforcement notice prosecutions.
Statutory Challenges
The majority of Melissa's public/administrative law practice is linked to her other specialist practice areas:
See, for example:
- City & Country (Bramshill) Limited v. SSHCGL and others inc National Trust [2019] 12 WLUK 237. Court of Appeal judgment: [2021] EWCA Civ 320.
- R. (On the application of Hillingdon Council) v. SST, SSHCLG [2019] 12 WLUK 425. Court of Appeal judgment: [2020] EWCA Civ 1005.
- R. v. (1) Knightland Foundation (2) Friedman [2018] EWCA Crim 1860
- Hargrave House Limited v. Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court [2018] EWHC 279 (Admin)
- R. (on the application of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited) v. Hillingdon LBC [2015] EWHC 2571 (Admin)
- Delaney v. SSCLG [2013] EWCA Civ 585 (High Court: [2012] EWHC 1303)
- LB Hillingdon v. SSCLG [2012] EWHC 1557
- Chetwynd v. South Norfolk DC [2010] EWHC 1070
- Taylor Wimpey v. Crawley Borough Council [2008] EWHC 2644
- Thompson v. Secretary of State [2004] EWHC 1492 (Admin)
Melissa has knowledge and experience of major infrastructure projects from the perspective of both promoter and objector, giving her excellent insight into the key strategic and tactical which often arise. Recent examples include:
- Advice to EDF on Sizewell C. Heathrow - (Cranford) appeal.
- Manston Airport section 78 appeal inquiry on behalf of the promoters of the airport.
- HS2 - Melissa acted for Hillingdon with Craig Howell Williams Q.C. in its test case judicial review in relation to Schedule 17 of the HS2 Act: Hillingdon’s challenge succeeded in the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court refused permission to appeal.
- HS2 petitioning & HS2 accommodation works instructions. Melissa advised local authorities along the route & presented in Parliament.
Melissa has attracted particular attention for her strength in promoting "tricky compulsory purchase orders". She is interested in and enjoys CPO work, with notable success in relation to the recent successful promotion of the Aylesbury Estate CPO, a controversial estate regeneration scheme in Southwark. She is presently advising on other estate regeneration proposals. In addition to town and country planning CPOs, she has also advised in relation to CPOs under the Highways and Housing Acts. As part of her major CPO/planning inquiry work, Melissa was part of a team representing Schroders and Stanhope plc, objecting successfully to Croydon Council's controversial proposals at the Croydon Gateway site.
Recent clients include:
- Southwark Council (Aylesbury Estate)
- Basildon Council (Craylands Estate)
- Cambridge County Council (A605)
- Ralli Solicitors (Salford Central)
- Ceredigion County Council (Aberystwyth town centre)
Melissa has considerable experience of disputes relating to compulsory purchase compensation. She has been instructed in Lands Tribunal proceedings by the London Development Agency, Dover District Council, Essex County Council and Kent County Council, as well as by private individuals.
Her work has included detailed consideration of matters such as valuation of the land taken; compensation for severance, injurious affection and disturbance; mitigation, betterment, planning assumptions and the application of statutory disregards and Point Gourde (on which she has lectured to both public and private sector audiences); and costs.
She appeared in the Lands Tribunal in the following reported cases:
- Scotia Plastic Binding Limited (in administration) v. LDA [2010] RVR 307
- Essex Showground v. Essex County Council [2006] RVR 336
Much compensation work, of course, is directed to ensuring that settlement is achieved required, Melissa is happy to work with a team to achieve that outcome, providing sensible and timely advice.
Melissa advises on and appears in cases concerning public and administrative law matters, principally those with a planning/compulsory purchase focus.
Notable cases include:
- City & Country (Bramshill) Limited v. SSHCGL and others inc National Trust [2019] 12 WLUK 237. Court of Appeal judgment: [2021] EWCA Civ 320
- R. (On the application of Hillingdon Council) v. SST, SSHCLG [2019] 12 WLUK 425. Court of Appeal judgment: [2020] EWCA Civ 1005. R. v. (1) Knightland Foundation (2) Friedman [2018] EWCA Crim 1860
- Hargrave House Limited v. Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court [2018] EWHC 279 (Admin)
- R. (on the application of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited) v. Hillingdon LBC [2015] EWHC 2571 (Admin)
Melissa is a member of the following professional bodies:
- Planning and Environment Bar Association (elected Equality and Diversity Officer)
- Constitutional and Administrative Law Bar Association
- Compulsory Purchase Association
- National Infrastructure Planning Association
Latest from Melissa
Jan' 23MIPIM 2023
A team of members and clerks is very much looking forward to attending MIPIM 2023 in Cannes from 14-17 March 2023.
Sep' 22Environmental Harm Decisively Outweighs the Delivery of Housing
One outline scheme (up to 197 dwellings) with 50% affordable housing and another smaller housing scheme promoted in Bracknell Forest were dismissed on consecutive days.
Jun' 22Planning Law Survey 2022 - Counsel of Choice
Francis Taylor Building is delighted with Planning magazine’s Planning Law Survey 2022. With 14 silks and 14 juniors named in the survey, Francis Taylor Building’s barristers remain counsel of choice for many.
Mar' 22Melissa Murphy QC Formally Appointed as Queen’s Counsel Today
Francis Taylor Building is delighted that Melissa Murphy QC was today formally appointed as Queen’s Counsel having received her letters patent.
Back to Barristers
"She is extremely strong, very effective to work with, and really enjoys forensic cross-examination of documents."
Chambers and Partners, 2023"She is terrific, very authoritative and very commanding."
Chambers and Partners, 2023"She has the ability to cut through the information and get to the most important elements of the matter."
Chambers and Partners, 2023"Very impressed with how quickly she was able to grasp and master the technical issues in the case, and she is absolutely brilliant on cross-examining."
Chambers and Partners, 2023"Melissa is a brilliant advocate. She leaves no stone unturned and grasps the most complex matters very quickly. Melissa is excellent with clients and always gives advice with the client’s strategic concerns and objectives in mind."
The Legal 500, 202314
Sep' 21Planning and Public Law Mentoring Scheme for Underrepresented Groups at the Bar
A group of leading planning and public law chambers have come together to help broaden access to the legal profession through mentorship.
The programme, launched in partnership with the Planning and Environmental Bar Association (PEBA), looks to encourage university students from underrepresented groups to consider becoming barristers.